displayed in a schema, so that the behavior is given con-
tent and form. The activating elements can be very spe-
cific, or more general.
By working on one's schemes or by working on the use
of schemes, one can try to get the disturbed relationship
of someone with his environment smooth. In the wor-
king model there is therefore a lot of attention for exis-
ting processes of schema set-up and use. The wakened
activation, the self-selected activation, the triggered ac-
tivation and the external and internal extinguishing de-
activation are dealed with.
But also a whole series of other underlying processes are
described that can be referred to in behavior and inter-
action and can be worked on. As referring to solutions,
to processes, to knowing-how, to influence, to what so-
meone wants, to the future, to the strong side, to the
confident part, to the positive side, to personal life, to
origin, to emotionality, to wordings, to stories, to synthe-
ses, to second order, to connections, to embedding, to
speaking, to what is useful rather than to problems, to
symptoms, to defenselessness, to powerlessness, to
what someone wants to avoid, to past or present, to
weak side, to uncertain part, to negative side, to imper-
sonal life, to cause, to rationality, to self-evidence, to
facts, to basic experience, to first-order experience, to
differences, to exclusion, to rejection, to what corres-